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Thanks for the given opportunity to familiarize with your hotel by means of a site. We, as tour operator on the South of Russia, shall enter into his list offered to our tourists. Except for tourist business with your hotel we are interested in adjustment of business ties connected with show business. At our firm in city of Astrakhan the Studio of belly dance (belly dance) Marina Pestrjaevoj's Female club (http://bellydance-marina.boxmail.biz) successfully works. The studio prepares for girls-dancers of east dance (belly dance) for work in the entertaining centers and on concert platforms of resort hotels. The dancer and the instructor on belly dance Marina Pestrjaeva supervises over studio known in Russia and Astrakhan. We would like to discuss with you an opportunity of co-operation with hotel with the purpose to give for your public some solo concerts of east dance. And in the future, at your interest in such services to direct to you on a contract basis to the entertaining center at hotel of our dancers-graduates of Studio. Our solo concerts of east dance remind stylish evenings in conditions of ease, can be spent in a hall of restaurant, on the open area отельного cafe or a bar, in a hall of rest or on the evenings-meetings devoted to east (Arabian) dancing art. Duration of the dancing program - 1,2-1.5 hours. Usual time of concerts - from 19.00 till 22.00 evenings.

With the purpose of primary acquaintance to our future partners from carrying out of concert evenings we do not demand any payments. Costume registration, music of support and the ready program 1,5 hour solo concerts-evenings are fulfilled and do not demand additional actions on the part of hotel. Certainly, we would like to count on mutual kindness and an opportunity of free-of-charge residing and a dining in your hotel for the dancer and her 1-2 person of support. In connection with employment and the planned concert performances of our dancers, in similar hotels of Germany, Spain, Sri Lanka, Egypt in 2004 we are ready to 7-9 day time visiting your hotel with such concerts during time convenient for both parties which we could specify as a result of the following correspondences with you. In turn, in hotels from the sanction of management we remove all our concerts on a photo and we place as the promotional material of hotel and our concerts on our sites in the Internet and in advertising tourist booklets for the Russian tourists. Besides we annually together with the Astrakhan branch of the Russian Academy of tourism and hotel business let out about 25-40 person of experts in the field of the hotel industry for which we search for places of training and практик in various hotels of the world. Could not render you to us such courtesy and receive our trainees on 1-6 monthly training in hotel? If you are interested in it, on what conditions?

Director of the Astrakhan hotel-tourist center, tour operator DELTA of VOLGA And hotel-entertaining minicomplex "Intourist & SPA" in Astrakhan - Nikolay Bychek. Our sites in the Internet: http://Intourist-SPA.boxmail.biz

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