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The 22-seater hotel in non-polluting island area of the southern city of Astrakhan with 11 numbers executed in an original genre and decorated in various thematic style has opened. The hotel by women-dancers belly dance is served. Here book numbers the in love couples and the men retiring with fatal women, fans of east modern exotic and the woman, wishing to join the Arabian dances, and also to receive lessons belly dance. The hotel is popular also among married couples, husbands from which in the imperceptible image wish by purchase of tours-lessons of belly dance for the wives, to solve problems of their excess weight, a cellulitis, flabbiness of a leather and a premature old age. Men during rest in hotel can take pleasure in genuine belly dance of the well-known school Tuvali which have been given birth on a route of the Silk way, taking place through territory of the present Astrakhan. The show-program can be reserved individually, for family viewing or group directly in number. To tell the truth, not in everyone, for this purpose it is necessary to be placed in Chimney, Blue or Solar number. For those, комму these numbers have not got, the hotel organizes weekly Saturday and Sunday Shows-programs in the Hall of east dance. Solo evenings belly dance, and also his individual and group lessons are conducted by the known dancer and the mistress of Female club of hotel - Marina Pestrjaeva, the lineal descendant увезенной conqueror Tamerlanom to Central Asia dancers Tuvali. Style of internal furniture of a building, court yard with pool, SPA, a banquet hall - all reminds the southeast guest house. On a ground floor the dancing bar where in the evenings it is possible to admire the Arabian dance was sheltered, to reserve exotic dishes and drinks, To smoke a hookah.
Magnificent Chimney number is executed in modern southeast style with the big royal bed, Thai number - as a Siamese bungalow. Number "niu" - generates your erotic imaginations and raises, having retired with beloved; Indonesian number for the in love pair reminds tropical hotel and exotic of ocean island, number with pool of SPA and a bath - approaches on week end family from 2-4 person. SPA-procedures in hotel are based on salutary influence on the person of water, sounds, dance, aromas. The rate aromas and a hydromassage is spent in east traditions, and also with use of the Astrakhan lotus and his fruits. Here it is possible to reserve medical baths of well-known dirties "Tinaki", leaves of a grapevine and the only thing in the world - bathing in water-melon juice. From meal in hotel to you will offer local delicacies - tomato salads " the Bull heart ", boiled sturgeon with a potato and pickles, black caviar, fish balyks, to an ear, the frog paws, a vobla of special preparation, Caspian a hall. Cost of residing in hotel does not exceed the standard prices. For example, the best Chimney number in east style with a breakfast, a supper, viewing of evening programs of solo east dance and lessons belly dance for women will cost for pair in $200 day, cost of a double room with pool of SPA and a bath, a breakfast and Thai massage - $180 day, a single room "nju" with a breakfast - $50 day, a Thai double room (a Siamese bungalow) with the big bed and a breakfast for a two - $150, for one - $100 day. Therefore the basic clients of hotel - married couples of 35-65 years, officials with secretaries, businessmen and bohemians. Usual lodgers for hotel become the married couples celebrating the next anniversary of wedding. Arrived to test new sharp feelings to each other, and also the foreign and domestic tourists who are were interested belly dance, fans of belly dance
Often visitors of hotel the very young girls wishing professionally to engage by east dance. Here there is a school-studio preparing dancers in similar hotels of Russia and abroad, and also in the entertaining centers of Europe and America. On the termination of stay in hotel the Letter of visiting of the Astrakhan edge and Memorable diploma BELLY DANCE is handed over to lodgers. Sells numbers and tours-lessons of belly dance for lodgers and having a rest the Astrakhan hotel-tourist center, phone 7+(8512 224576, 227556, a fax 7+(8512)224576. E-mail: danil@astranet.ru

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