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Астрахань : DELICACY ROUND In DELTA of VOLGA (Астрахань , Россия)

Астрахань : DELICACY ROUND In DELTA of VOLGA (Астрахань , Россия)
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Everyone, going to Astrakhan, to the delta of the Volga represents this territory excessively rich of fish, watermelons and tomatoes.... Partly so it is. But it’s not enough.

It is necessary to go in person to this Russian fish and vegetable "Mecca" and see for oneself that those who visited it were right. Taste these attractive enormous tomatoes named " the bull heart ", the sweet sugar-ripe water-melons (not those sold in Moscow under the name "Astrakhan") and, certainly, black caviar and sturgeon – the queen of any hospitable Astrakhan fish feast.

The Belgians from group of industrialists who stayed in lower reaches of the Volga looking for places of an investment of their capitals, half the day were shocked that "Russians, not eating up caviar lure stray dogs with it for their not dragging pike perches out of boxes.

Primitive methods not seine catch and heavy wearisome work on the fishery (a place of industrial catch of sturgeon and other kinds of fish) put the Astrakhan fisherman in position of the relic courageous muzhik earning currency dollars for the country in extreme conditions of cold in a late autumn and early spring, in summer heat and in winter hard frost. As fishermen say - fish can’t be caught in good weather.

But what a pleasure is to try fresh sturgeon or stellate sturgeon to try it necessarily with potatoes, Astrakhan vodka and with black caviar....

Times of abundance are in the past. And now not everyone can try one’s fill of this disappearing fish delicacy even in the delta of the Volga. Yet not everyone can manage this "smart" at such price.

But those who, observing our merchant traditions of Russian feast, would like to taste black caviar and sturgeon, to visit fishing places and our "caviar - current" plantation - welcome! We offer tour-show to fishery with tasting Astrakhan fish kitchen, visit factories where fish is grown, Astrakhan international biosphere reserve with the organization of fishing on sazan, pike perch, pike, vobla (Caspian roach), ram, perch, etc.

To take part in this cognitive – tasting programme, please, find free 3-7 days, get the ticket up to Astrakhan and do not overlook to inform us of time of your arrival to Astrakhan and number of flight. We shall meet you with bus.

It is desirable to pick up 5-9 person of adherents, but it is possible to appear suddenly and individually. We are always glad to see you and we shall not give up in courtesy to show our " fishing sights ".

So, let’s go !

Tour is meant for group of 8-9 persons. Duration - 3-7 days. It is carried out on a cosy small steam-ship with accommodation and residing in simple single and double cabins, three meals a day, excursion service and fishing on stops.

Our minibus delivers You and the group to the steam-ship and You accommodate in cabins. You have dinner and immediately go from the mooring to the fishery by the Volga and Bahtemyr. By the evening You are already on the approach to the fishery.
The steam-ship stops in a place rich of fish for the night and stands at the coast till morning. Supper, fishing, free time.

Early in the morning You arrive to the fishery. You participate in catching fish with net, having changed clothes to fishing "armour" and having taken straps of a net together with fishermen. The best trophies of the catch are taken to your table.

Before dinner while the selected fish is prepared in the kitchen of a coastal small fish restaurant, the group goes by the bus to the next village to the factory where fish is grown. There you learn the process of artificial reproduction of sturgeon on the Caspian Sea. By the dinner you are again at a small restaurant where the banquet - show with tasting fish delicacies of the delta is arranged. The process proceeds till the evening with obligatory indicative show of preparation of the "real" Astrakhan black caviar right before Your own eyes.

In the evening the steam-ship goes to the reserve and after passing some distance stops for the night at the island.

The morning meets you in a way. When everybody is still sleeping the steam-ship goes according to the route. Breakfast and dinner are served on board. After dinner there are: excursion programme around the reserve, visit to the places of growth of the most northern and largest lotus in the world, trip to the Caspian shore, to the places of excellent fishing and hunt on water-fowl. Time for fishing, bathing, and sunburn.

By the evening the steam-ship starts to go up by channels to Astrakhan. At one of the islands there is a stop for the night.
Supper, free time.

In the morning the steam-ship goes upstream to Astrakhan and by 12 o’clock it moors to the moorings of the firm in Zolotoy Zaton. Dinner, departure to the airport by a minibus.

This cognitive programme of rest it is optimal for 4 days

Tour can be increased in time to 6-7 days. Thus time of free "dialogue" with nature, excursion programmes and fishing from board the ship and from island coast is increased.

COST of the TOUR

Only group of maximum 9 persons can be accommodated on the steam-ship.

Day of rest, including meeting at the airport (railway station) of Astrakhan, transfers, accommodation in cabins, three meals a day, visiting of fishery, reserve and factories where fish is grown, fishing - $ 540 from group. The tasting dinner show or supper show with fish delicacies and black caviar is $ 100 per person. But not less then $ 500.
The ticket for visiting the Museum of flora and fauna in reserve is $ 15 per person.

It is possible to order the tour as a cognitive one, excluding tasting show and visit to the museum.


Restaurant service in a small restaurant on water or on coast directly on fishery or at island on the river.
- Participation in net catch of fish together with a brigade of fishermen
- 8-10 kinds of dishes from fish.
- Black caviar
- Alcoholic and soft drinks
- A souvenir to remember Your visit to the fishery
- Show of preparation of black caviar " before tourists’ eyes ", tasting of it
or solo oriental dancing show while Your table is served.
- A room to rest, for 2 persons


- Accompaniment
- Excursion in Astrakhan,
- Bar on a vessel
- Visas, flights (moving) to Astrakhan


Весь отдых в Астрахани и дельте Волги

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