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Астрахань : WATER TRIPS THROUGH THE DELTA. (Астрахань , Россия)

Астрахань : WATER TRIPS THROUGH THE DELTA. (Астрахань , Россия)
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Annually from April,6 till November,15 our firm offers clients several most interesting water excursion and cognitive tours to the Delta of the Volga and to the Caspian shore of Russia.

Basic excursion and cognitive routes:

Route 1.
Water trip to Astrakhan International Biospherical Reserve with visit to the Museum of Flora and Fauna in Damchik district.
Duration – 1-3 days. Groups of 6-22 persons.
The price of 1-day trip is $ 55 per person; 3-day trip - $ 50 per person.
1-day trip begins in Astrakhan from moorage of our firm in Zolotoy Zaton (“Golden Boat-Yard”) at 7.30. Duration of the trip to the Reserve is 3 hours and 50 min. On the way there is a 20-minute “green” stop.

Journey route
Astrakhan – river Volga – Damchik and back.
Excursion at the Museum – 25 min.
For extra fee You can book a group boat 3-hour trip (1-5 persons for a boat) along the channels of the Reserve with visit to the Lotus Fields and to the Caspian shore ($ 100 for a group).
On way back of the 1-day trip there is a stop at an island. Duration of the stop depends on the time spent in the Reserve. Usually it is 1 or 2 hours. During the stop You can fish, swim and roam the island.

3-day route includes placid rest with stops at wild sand island beaches, fishing, aquatic sports and rest.
The boat arrives to Astrakhan in the evening at 21.00 to the moorage of the firm in Zolotoy Zaton.

If You book 3-day trip You’ll have 3 meals a day, single or double state-room, TV-set, fridge, tape-recorder.
If You book 1-day trip You’ll have 3 meals a day. There are 8 berths on boat.

Route 2.
Astrakhan – Caspian shore (Lotus Fields and Fields of water chestnuts). It’s realized from July 20 till September 10 at florescence of lotus.
Duration – 1-5 days.

Journey route
There – Astrakhan – Volga – channel Gandurino – channel Poldnevnaya – channel Gornaya – Lotus Fields and the Caspian shore.
Back - channel Gornaya - channel Poldnevnaya – Volga – Zolotoy Zaton – moorage in Astrakhan.
Time of the trip in one direction – 5,5 hours.

During the trip there are 20-minute “green” stops there and back. The stay at Lotus Fields is 1,5 hours. Here You can take photos, swim, fish, admire lotus and flora and fauna of the Delta.

On the way You’ll have 3 meals a day, single or double state-room. There are 8 berths on boat.
The price of 1-day trip is $ 55 per person; the trip of many days - $ 50 a day per person. The groups should consist not less than of 8 persons, or there should be additional payment as for 8 persons.

Route 3.
Rest on a motor ship. There may be different variants of the trip to the Delta. Usually all the details are co-ordinated with our representative beforehand.

The tour may be formed of “green” stops, fishing, excursions, and rest on sand beaches.
There may be any duration, as the client wants. Usually it is 1-12 days.
The price includes: 3 meals a day, single or double state-room, using all necessary things on board.
The price is $ 55 a day per person. Groups – 8-9 persons, or there should be additional payment as for 8 persons.

Route 4.
Cognitive – excursion tour to fishery where sturgeon is caught, or
Delicacy Tour

Groups – 6-22 persons at 1-day trip; 8-9 persons at 2-3 day trip.

Journey route
Through the main bank to the fishery “Glubokaya”, or through other banks of the Delta to fisheries which work at the moment.
The tour is realized at the season of fishery work. Usually it is April – May, September – November.
On board: 3 meals a day, guide. During the stay at fishery there served delicacy fish dinner made from the trophies of seine catch.
During the trip the holidaymakers will acquaint with industry of catching fish in the Delta, will visit one of the working fisheries, and will take part in the seine catch; will eat delicacy dishes made from Astrakhan fish. At free time You can fish and swim during “green” stops.
The price is:
- With 3 meals a day without delicacy banquet and without taking part in seine catches - % 55 a day per person.
- With delicacy banquet and with taking part in seine catches - % 55 a day per person + $100 (valid for one occasion only – for delicacy dinner).

Route 5.
Cognitive – excursion trip with fishing (from April till November) or with hunting (from September 15 till November 30) in preserve zone of the Caspian shore.
Duration is from 2 days. Groups – 8-21 persons.

Journey route
Astrakhan – Krivaya Bolda – Bushma – Bolshoy Belinsky bank – erik Korovy – Maly Belinsky bank – channel Glagol – the lands of the firm for fishing and hunting near the Caspian shore – water bungalows for fishermen and hunters – back.
Time of the trip in one direction – 6,3 hours.

After the route from Astrakhan the motor ship stops at water bungalows of the firm. The holidaymakers stay in rooms made for them, part of them stay in staterooms of the motor ship.
Huntsmen on motor boats come to the motor ship. The clients take seats in the boats on two and go for fishing, hunting or just have a boat trip through the wild places of the Delta Reserve. Here You can see settlements of cormorants, nesting-places of sea-eagle, heron, swan, pelican and others.
Further rest includes daily boat trips along the Delta according to the programmes co-ordinated with the huntsman the day before.
The price is $ 55 a day with fishing; $ 80 a day with hunting.
The price includes - 3 meals a day, huntsman service with a motor boat, licenses for fishing or hunting.

All motor ships and caters are completed with:

Shower, lavatory, deck for sunburning and forecastle deck, kitchen, dining-hall, TV-set, fridge, tape-recorder, deep-freezer.
The service in trip by: captain-operator and cook-hostess.


For the regular clients there is discount of 2-7 %,
For the children under 10 years – 30 %.
The commission for the agencies – 10 %. The representative of the agency with a group of 8 persons lives on motor ship free.

For more details, please, make inquires.

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