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Эстур : Summertime in Odessa, Ukraine (Эстур , Украина , одесса)

Эстур : Summertime in Odessa, Ukraine (Эстур , Украина , одесса)
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Odessa is the city founded by Duke de Richelieu over two centuries ago. In 2006, September 2nd Odessa will be 112. Odessa city population rises over 1 million inhabitants. Administrative region centre along with Yuzhny and Ilichevsk city makes it a huge industrial and trading complex.

Developed network of the roads, the location of the city close to Danube, Dniester, Yuzhny Bug and Dnepr rivers as well as big Seaports of Odessa, Ilichevsk and Yuzhny makes it a unique in importing, lodging and transportation of the goods. It’s also a resort and tourist place.

The city is situated on the north-west coast of the Black Sea across the North and Central Europe ways to the Middle East and Asia. Odessa Seaport if a big gateway for import and export of goods. There is also located a luxury Odessa (Kempinski) hotel and Exhibition centre. Odessa Ukraine city map with monument location and city bank indicators http://amour-club.com/section/10

Steamer boats are at your service if you want to take a romantic walk along the sea seeing the lights and landscapes of the beach area.

The other side of the Seaport view opens Potyomkin Staircase that counts 194 stairs and leads up to Promorskiy Boulevard, a quiet square with Pushkin and Duke de Richelieu monuments. There is also a wedding bridge for brand new married couples and a veranda with columns built by Vorontsov for his ill daughter.

Thanks to amazing sanatoriums, beaches and entertainment complexes Odessa attracts a large number of tourists especially in summer time. Entertainment and tourist business is attractive and prosperous.

Odessa night clubs and entertainment areas are the places to visit either by a tourist or a native citizen. There is Arcadia beach, Luzanovka and Big Fountain entertainment areas that start their night work after 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday are barman show days and hot parties.

Restaurants in Odessa are of various cuisines: Ukrainian, Italian, American, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Thai food and of course McDonald’s fast food. The most attended places are Kumanets, Hutorok, Steak House, Buffalo 99, Mario’s, Katran and others.

Bars and cocktail clubs are of the value in summer time. Mojo and Riviera are most attended.

Big Fountain, Arcadia and Lanzheron beaches. What can be better than having a rest in the fresh air along the mounts and sea water? This is the right question if you want to hear an obvious answer. Dolphin park romance shows for adults and children and yearly celebrated Body Art festivals on May day take place in Lanzheron area.

In summer time the temperature rises to +25-45. This is a specialty of the subtropical climate in Odessa when you would need a parasol if you stay on the beach.

National summer holidays celebrated in Odessa, Ukraine:

June, 1st –Mother’s Day
June 28th – Constitution Day
August 24th – Independence Day

Summer in Ukraine is a holiday itself so you needn’t bother yourself finding more activities elsewhere. You can visit places of interest such as Opera place, Odessa Catacombs, Museums, City Park, Vilkovo, Belgorod Dnestrovsky fortress, Sofievsky park in Uman and a lot more.

Odessa is also well-known not as an economical centre only but as a cultural centre. There is a number of Universities, museums, libraries and places of cultural and educational fields.

But the main wealth of the city is its inhabitants. They have always been distinguished as business witty, enterprising and patience. Odessa is a multinational city of Ukraine where people of various nations live together. Since the very childhood the city inhabitants are bred as hospitable, cordial and people with incredible sense of humor. This is the reason why none of the civil wars took place and will not take place here in the future.


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