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Эстур : Sponsor/fiancee visas for Australians (Эстур , Украина , одесса)

Эстур : Sponsor/fiancee visas for Australians (Эстур , Украина , одесса)
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Increasingly more Australian men find their soulmates on the other side of the globe proving that no geographical limits can stand in their way to find true love. First they Internet date, exchange photos, talk on the phone and e-mail and at last the moment comes when everything is said and it’s high time to meet the one they’ve chosen and look into her eyes in person. Many Russian and Ukrainian marriage and dating agencies are of good help on your way to pack the suitcase. On this stage many problems and questions appear.


Why can’t my lady from Russia come over to me in Australia?

How can I bring my fiancée for an introduction to my relatives over here?

What is essentially needed for an entry to Australia and what does the paperwork take?

What sort of visa is needed?

Where and how can I obtain it?


If you are interested in knowing the answers, this article is exactly for you. This article is dedicated to solving all of these and will give you the answers to most of the questions.


First and the main obstacle in the gateway out of CIS countries is not the laws of the former USSR but a visa limits and aggressive rules towards “third class” citizens that limit the entry on their borders on the developed countries’ behalf.


The entry visa processing for the lady from Ukraine or Russia is connected with various difficulties. Earlier most women got their visas rejected by Australia Embassy for different reasons – inaccurate information in visa form, absence of personal meeting proof ( such as photos and personal letters) and a lot more.


The best way to overcome such problems is to come over to your lady’s residence country and apply for a Fiancée Visa. Fiancée visa processing usually takes from 5 up to 10 months.


If you decided to marry a woman from one of the CIS countries you can also apply for a Spouse Visa (marriage in Ukraine, Russia etc.)


! Remember that you carry all responsibilities to support your fiancée and pay her medical insurance. In case you do not marry in 9 months’ period you are obliged by your embassy to pay the woman’s return ticket home.


For a Fiancée/Prospective Marriage Visa processing your woman will have to produce documents proving your meeting at least once. As a rule, it must be good quality photos of you together. The more documents confirming your close relationship you have with your lady, the better your chances for obtaining visa are.


You will also need family status certificate from your Local Registry Office; your personal petition of the intention to marry the particular woman attested according the standard form. Other documents such as personal correspondence are also important in confirmation of your long-term relationship.


Here comes a list of all the necessary documents:


1. 47SP filled form (filled in by a fiancée) and a 40SP form (filled in by you)

2. 4 passport photos from a lady and 2 – from you

3. Certified passport copies (photocopies)

4. Incontestable proof of your personal meeting with woman and know her

5. Australian citizenship status certificate

6. Your relationship proof – paperwork including your and your fiancée’s applications, phone conversations bills, printed letters, photos of you both etc.

7. Medical examination certificate

8. Birth Certificate


! Your personal assistance and presence in fiancée’s country would make interview in Visa processing easier.


Although most men choose another way: they get married in fiancée’s residence and bring their lady back to Australia as their wife. Spouse Visa processing is a lot easier than obtaining of any other visa type. The procedure is mostly similar to Fiancée Visa processing but the proof of your close relationship is not necessary (though would be appreciated in case you are absent at the moment of your lady’s interview).


All visas are obtained from Australian Consulate only. Your woman can apply to the Consulate closer to the city they live in – either to Ukraine (Kiev) or Russia (Moscow).


Australian Consulate in Kiev, Ukraine

Address: 18 Kominterna str, Apt 11, 252032 Kyiv, Ukraine

Tel: 2257586

Fax: 2443597


Australian Consulate in Moscow, Russia

Address: 101a/2 Podkolokolniy Lane, 109028 Moscow, Russia

Tel: 956-60-70, 956-60-75 (09.00-12.30)

Fax: 956-61-70


Ukrainian Embassy in Australia

Suites 12:1St George Centre, 60 Marcus ClarkeStreet, Canberra, ACT 2601 Australia

Tel.: (10-612) 6230 5789

Fax: (10-612) 6230 7298

E-mail: emb_au@mfa.gov.ua

Ambassador Mischenko Alexandr Pavlovich


All visas are obtained from the Consulate located in Moscow, Russia solely.


No necessity in applying for a visa personally. You can send documents either via post or your personal representative. In most cases Embassy representatives arrange phone interviews if needed. Visa processing is a long procedure requiring patience and non-expected expenses. In case the visa is rejected we advice you to meet Australia Clerk or Ambassador personally in Moscow.


Yearly research showed that the best way to get an entry visa for your Russian/Ukrainian woman is to travel to your future fiancée’s country. This would immediately solve many problems and would make it easier to get a Fiancée/Spouse Visa for your lady.


There are several types of visas obtained from the Australian Embassies:


1. Tourist (courtesy) visa – friends, relatives, studies’ visit for the tourism purpose. Terms of visit with a personal invitation (from a friend or a relative) are limited to one month with a prolong option.


2. Business visa – visit of the country for a business and short-term tour. Business invitations are obtained from a company located in the destination country with terms of visit no longer than 30 days with a prolong option obtained from the local consulate personally.


3. Fiancée/Prospective Marriage Visa (K-1) – visit of the country with the purpose to get married to Australian citizen. Visa is available during the 9 month period (after the visa terms expire it is not longer supposed to be available). In two years’ time woman gets a status of a current Australia resident.


4. Spouse Visa for men who decided to marry on their fiancée’s homeland and both leave for Australia.


5. Sponsor Visa used for people who would like to sponsor their brides to Australia. Invitees order everything including plane tickets, carry responsibilities for their guest’s medical insurance, place of living etc.


Various companies such as Amour-Club agency have programs that supply you with possibilities to be assisted in paperwork but it’s highly recommended visiting the local Consulate to get as much updated information as possible.


Statistics shows that the best way to avoid most problems connected with getting any type of sponsor and fiancée visa is meeting each other in person. This lessens the chance for your visa to be rejected. Preferably you have to provide:


-photos of you two as the proof you being together

-letters from you and the fiancée with exact dates on them

-dates of your personal correspondence


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